1824's Still Woozy Press Conference

1824’s Still Woozy Press Conference

Written for Cut It Out Magazine, August 2021

After a flat tire and a mad dash back to my apartment, Cut It Out was excited to be a part of 1824’s Still Woozy Press Conference! Hosted by 1824’s Molly Tucker, a variety of outlets gathered on Zoom for a Q&A session with Still Woozy, also known as Sven Gamsky.

His debut album “If This Isn’t Nice, Then I Don’t Know What Is” was released on August 13, 2021. This alt-pop debut includes the lovesick single “That’s Life”, along with “Kenny”, “Rocky”, “Window” and nine other tracks never heard before the album’s release. On top of that,

Gamsky announced a fifty-three stop tour spanning from September 2021 through April 2022. LoveLeo and Wallice will be joining him on various dates, along with one “to be determined” artist!

From his garage that smelled like weird chemicals to a recording studio with air conditioning and windows, the Bay Area-native has definitely evolved in his music and career. Gamsky’s answers were thoughtful and sincere, making the press conference an enjoyable one to be at - despite the car troubles I dealt with previously.

Image by Vince Aung

Image by Vince Aung


Around the thirty-five minute mark, Cut It Out had the opportunity to speak with Still Woozy and experience his insight first-hand:

CIO: “How did COVID-19 influence your music in terms of themes, writing styles, etc.?”

SW: “I think that it gave me time to really focus on what I wanted to do. I just had time to experiment more. There was more stress in my life so I ended up writing about my rapidly deteriorating mental health. Do you want to know more specific ways than that?”

CIO: “Nobody wants rapidly deteriorating mental health, but do you feel like it gave you more to write about or maybe a topic to write about that you wouldn’t have explored otherwise?”

SW: “If anything it allowed me to look more inward, than outward, for something to write about. A lot of times I would write about my own relationships and stuff, so I think it allowed me to shift the focus a little bit.”

CIO: “Outside of music, what is another hobby or skill that you want to get better at or spend more time practicing?”

SW: “I want to get back into basketball. I fucked my foot up about eight months ago now, actually on Christmas Day. I went to the hospital and stuff, it was really bad. It’s taken me months, and months, to get back on my feet. Basketball was always a source of fun and exercise. I hate exercise, I hate getting on a treadmill or on a bike. I feel like I need to distract myself, so if I have a good game then I can distract myself. I can only exercise if I distract myself.”

CIO: “If you could have written a song that another artist has already written, what would it be?”

SW: “Hmmm… That’s hard. Ah shit, I don’t know. There’s too many. Maybe “Slide” by Calvin Harris? I just think that’s really funky and really good. Maybe “How Does It Feel” by D’Angelo, but I wouldn’t want to write that because I never could have written that. It’s just that the energy is so fucking on point and just amazing...Capturing that energy, so original.”

Still Woozy’s debut album “If This Isn’t Nice, Then I Don’t Know What Is” is out now on all streaming platforms. Gamsky mentioned that his music is meant to be “comforting” and “enveloping”, almost as if “the music is a part of everything”. This album is definitely worth a listen as you’ll find yourself humming Still Woozy’s tunes for days to come.

Thank you to 1824 and Still Woozy for making this happen!


Still Woozy

Instagram: instagram.com/still_woozy

Twitter: twitter.com/still_woozy

Listen to “If This Isn’t Nice, Then I Don’t Know What Is”: https://open.spotify.com/album/0QnWm07An8WyO3eupjBDoP?si=jINh6oWhTa648XidS6jO2w&dl_branch=1


Instagram: instagram.com/1824

Website: www.1824official.com